I cannot believe it has been a year since we started doing THEME THURSDAY’S at Mirror Mirror. It started out as a fun team building idea that I had last November. I wanted us to have something that we could all do once a week to test out trends, share our latest obsessions and celebrate various events. We kicked it off with headbands to say we have gotten carried away would be an understatement. We’ve added a backdrop, occasional props and have managed an entire year with no repeats! Below are a few of my all time favorites and I’d love to hear if you have a favorite. Make sure you follow us on Instagram and “like” us on Facebook to see what we do each week!

{HEADBANDS} Our very first THEME THURSDAY…we did headbands and didn’t even make a collage. Bless.

{VALENTINES} L O V E is in the air and all of the pink and red put us all in a lovey dovey mood for the day!

{JUMPING FOR STRIPES} The jump pose was a last minute decision and I just loved everyone’s different jumps!

{BLUE IS FOR BOY} We had so much fun announcing Alli’s baby boy with our blue theme!

{GRAPHIC TEES} This was a last minute idea based on all of the graphic tees we were seeing for fall!

{AMERICA} This Fourth of July theme was as American as apple pie!

{GILLY’S BIRTHDAY} What better way to celebrate our beloved Gilly than with a Brady Bunch style love fest!

{MILITARY} My camo leggings that I found at Target inspired this military theme.

{FORD’S BIRTHDAY} My sweet little monkey turned one in July and since he loves Elmo we couldn’t resist a Sesame Street inspired theme.

{NO BULLYING} October was bullying prevention month so we took a stand against bullying with our most awkward photos. Absolutely LOVED this!
WOW what a year…what should we do next?!
November 14, 2013 at 7:50 pm (11 years ago)Love this! My favorite is the Camo!