It’s official!  The contract is signed and I was just selected as one of eight stylist in North America to join the Living Proof Education Creative Team but first let me back up with how it all began…

I remember it like it was yesterday, it was October 2012 and Trevor and I were watching our favorite morning show when I over heard them say something along the lines of “Jennifer Aniston signs on with hair care line”…(I’m sorry what!?!).  I consider myself fairly versed in my industry and I was shocked that this was the first I was hearing about something this big.  After I re-watched the segment I started some preliminary research.  I loved EVERYTHING I saw, super simple attainable hair care that was most importantly backed by real life science!  And now one of the most well known heads of hair had not only signed on as the face of the brand but also as an owner.  This was more than just good marketing (although the marketer in me can really appreciate the genius behind it) it had been in the works for nearly a decade and these scientist had set out to offer more PROOF and less HOPE.  Then I read their philosophy…

We are not a traditional beauty company.
We are more than that.
We believe in rethinking conventional wisdom.
We believe when you can’t find something that works, you invent it.
We believe the answers are found in science.
We believe that beauty and brains are the best formula.
We believe a product should keep its promises.
We believe every day can be a good hair day.
We believe beauty is more than skin deep.
We believe in day-making, bliss-creating, confidence-boosting results.
We believe you are the living proof.

Chills.  I had to be involved.

Fast forward through a lot of research and some emails with Living Proof and by late October they sent us some samples to try out.  Ford was only 3 months old at the time and my hair was coming out by the handful.  As a new mom and hairstylist I was willing to try anything!  We started playing around with the line and watching videos on how to use it.  The line was still new enough that there wasn’t an education team (you see where I’m going here) so it was up to us to figure it out on our own along with some VERY helpful Living Proof team members who answered a lot of questions!  What I began to learn very quickly was that my clients that fully made the switch and exclusively used the line saw dramatic results!  It makes sense, if you are using the molecules (OFPMA and PBAE) that Living Proof has developed and they do NOT have silicones or oils and then finish your hair off with a hairspray or serum that’s full of it then it kind of defeats the purpose!  I needed to find a way to show clients that they could QUICKLY see results if they would use it exclusively…and HAIR REHAB was born in July 2013.  Eight women committed to do whatever I say for 30 days in an effort to love their hair once and for all!  The results were astounding and we learned, as I suspected, that it takes 3 things for a woman to really love their hair.  The right cut, the right product, AND the right professional (learn more here).

Living Proof continued to grow and add more incredible products to the line, Mirror Mirror went exclusive with the line, I got to fly out to NYC for a meet and greet with  Jennifer Anniston and Chris McMillan, was a finalist in the Flex Challenge, the love affair continued to grow and then I got the call!  “We’d like you to join us in Boston along with 7 other hairstylist from all over North America and train with our founders to join the education team”….WHAT…is this real?!

If you follow me on Instagram then you know that I spent the weekend in Boston a couple of weeks ago surrounded with the best of the best in the industry, toured the labs at Living Proof and learned some new techniques from legendary hairstylist and founders Ward Stegerhoek and Mitch DeRosa that I can’t wait to show all of YOU!  It was like drinking water from a fire hose and I loved it!  Everyone I met was incredible and to get that much talent in one place and not see an ounce of ego speaks to the kind of company they are.  I have never felt more inspired and now that the contract is signed I just had to share my story with all of you.  Now when a new salon brings in Living Proof there will be real life educators to come teach them about the products and educate them on how to use them to create gorgeous hair.  I could not be more excited to be joining this team.  You can expect updates here and who knows what is next!

Here are a few snapshots from my trip to Boston.


Living Proof co-founder and legendary stylist Ward Stegerhoek showing us the first look, the Signature Full Blowout!  When he was showing me how to do “beachy waves” I said “it’s very Gisele” and he said he gave Giselle that look (noted!).

Collage OneCollage Two

Our tour through the Living Proof lab was incredible!  We met scientist and there was inspiration around every corner and on the walls.  They even have a full test salon with thousands of women willing to come let them test out the latest and greatest products.


I filmed FIVE segments talking about a few of my favorite products…more on this later!

Oscar Selfie

And of course we couldn’t resist our version of the “Oscar Selfie” at the end!  As you can see we are all very distinguished and serious.

 …I’d love to know if you have tried the products in the comments below!



  1. Rachel
    April 9, 2014 at 4:07 pm (11 years ago)

    So excited for you! Thanks for converting me to Living Proof and teaching me your styly ways!

  2. Kayte
    April 9, 2014 at 1:22 am (11 years ago)

    It was so great meeting you! Loved having you as one of my stylists and adore your blog. I’ve been using the LivingProof products since and now know how to properly curl my hair thanks to you 🙂

    • Martha Lynn
      April 9, 2014 at 4:28 pm (11 years ago)

      Thanks girl!!


2Pingbacks & Trackbacks on MY LOVE AFFAIR WITH LIVING PROOF

  1. […] AND the right professional (wink wink) they would really start to love their hair!  That led to my joining the Living Proof Education team and I cannot wait to see where this partnership goes from […]

  2. […]  Of course I’m not surprised because I have been telling you all about the line and how fabulous it is since we started carrying it almost two years ago.  Since I know some of you might need a little […]

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