5th Wedding Anniversary Photos

This is hands down my favorite tradition in our family.  Every year we get together with our wedding photographer (Austin photographer extraordinaire Cory Ryan) and document another year of marriage.  It all started because on our first wedding anniversary we were pregnant with Ford and wanted to get some pictures to celebrate.  From there, every year we attempt to freeze time and reflect on what has been the stand out moments of that year!  So far it’s been (#1) pregnant, (#2) new house, (#3) new living room, (#4) pregnant again!  You can check out our 3rd anniversary and 4th anniversary if you want to see a few of our past years!

This year the stand out memory was becoming a family of four and welcoming Luke into our lives!  I have really settled into my #boymom status and I wanted this year’s shoot to be playful and fun.  Cory is always such a trooper and when I said I wanted to take two wiggly children to Austin’s famous graffiti park she was up for the challenge.  We lucked out on the weather since it has mostly rained this week and I brought 12 cans of silly string to add to the celebration!

More importantly than the shoot or the outfits or the theme is the marriage.  I have been lucky enough to spend my days with this handsome man and I pinch myself everyday that we are partners!  Trevor is the most supportive husband a girl could ask for and while we are celebrating 5 years of marriage this year I look forward to celebrating 50 more.

I love you Trevor and I feel incredibly blessed to be your wife!

Keep scrolling for an overshare of photos from our shoot (sorry, there was no way I could narrow these down) AND for details on all of our outifts.  Also if you are married, I highly recommend you adopting this tradition!


MY OUTFIT:  Overalls / Tee / Sneakers / Greatest No Show Socks on EarthKale-Family-5YearAnniversary-005

TREVOR’S OUTFIT:  Tee / Shorts / Shoes / Greatest No Show Socks On EarthKale-Family-5YearAnniversary-007

FORD’S OUTFIT:  Tee / Shorts / ShoesKale-Family-5YearAnniversary-012

LUKE’S OUTFIT: Tee / Shorts / ShoesKale-Family-5YearAnniversary-022 Kale-Family-5YearAnniversary-023 Kale-Family-5YearAnniversary-027 Kale-Family-5YearAnniversary-037 Kale-Family-5YearAnniversary-024Kale-Family-5YearAnniversary-041





Kale-Family-5YearAnniversary-065 Kale-Family-5YearAnniversary-062 Kale-Family-5YearAnniversary-034 Kale-Family-5YearAnniversary-024



2 Comments on 5th Wedding Anniversary Photos

  1. Cory Ryan
    April 22, 2016 at 6:13 pm (9 years ago)

    The Kales are like fine wines, and just get better (and cuter!) by the year! Welcome Luke to the annual Kale tradition 🙂


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  1. […] Since we didn’t get to do our annual anniversary shoot this year with Cory, we planned this shoot and I wanted a more classic family photo versus our anniversary concepts in the past (check them out here, here, and here). […]

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